Author: Laurie Arnston

Postsecondary Education Continues to Open Pathways to Good Jobs

A new report from the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce examines the expanding job market by forecasting the number of good jobs in 2031 across 22 occupational groups and three educational pathways: bachelor’s degree, middle-skills, and high school.

Do Legacy Admissions Policies Impact Enrollment Equity?

In 2023, the Supreme Court ruling on the consideration of race in admissions illuminated a similar conversation about admissions equity: legacy status. The newest release of data on the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System included, for the first time, data on institutions’ legacy admission policies, and the Institute for Higher Education Policy examines this data in a new report.

Disability and Higher Education: Insights for Campus Administrators

Colleges are shifting to better support students with disabilities, especially as Gen Z brings new perspectives post-COVID. Kara Seidel and Hollie Chessman discuss how institutions can foster more inclusive campuses by recognizing the unique challenges students face—and offer practical tips for making a real difference.

Higher Education’s Role in Securing a Climate-Resilient Future

Higher Ed Climate Action, an Aspen Institute initiative, has released a report intended to guide the higher education sector’s approach to climate change. The plan outlines key priorities and recommendations in mounting a comprehensive, vigorous response to environmental threats.

The Effectiveness of Emergency Aid Programs

During the pandemic, over 18 million students received emergency aid support from the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund as part of the CARES Act. A new report from the Bipartisan Policy Center analyzes different emergency aid programs, with an emphasis on understanding how they impact students’ completion and retention.

NCAA Mandates Annual Mental Health Screenings for Student-Athletes

The NCAA, in consultation with its Mental Health Advisory Group, has released a new edition of Mental Health Best Practices, which provides guidance to support student-athletes’ mental well-being. NCAA member institutions are required to offer resources and services consistent with the best practices, which go into effect Aug. 1.

Addressing Student Mental Health by Addressing Loneliness

Active Minds and TimelyCare, two leading organizations dedicated to raising public awareness of mental health issues, have issued a report summarizing findings from a survey they conducted about loneliness among college students.