Topic: mental health


Leveraging AI to Support Student Mental Health and Well-Being

Artificial intelligence is transforming how colleges approach student mental health, offering innovative ways to manage stress, connect students with resources, and detect warning signs early. Armando Montero explores how campuses are using AI to bolster traditional support systems, as well as the challenges of privacy, bias, and the growing demand for mental health services.

October 16, 2024

Disability and Higher Education: Insights for Campus Administrators

Colleges are shifting to better support students with disabilities, especially as Gen Z brings new perspectives post-COVID. Kara Seidel and Hollie Chessman discuss how institutions can foster more inclusive campuses by recognizing the unique challenges students face—and offer practical tips for making a real difference.

August 12, 2024

New student orientation at Lafayette College. Students are gathered on the quad and a group of them are leading an activity.

Creating and Sustaining Wellness Cultures for Faculty, Staff, and Students to Thrive

Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk and Elizabeth R. Click examine the influence of workplace culture on well-being, emphasizing the importance of campus leaders in creating supportive environments. They argue for the value of investing in wellness programs and initiatives as a way to improve the health of campus communities.

May 13, 2024