Author: Laurie Arnston

Providing Transparency to the Title IX Process

ACE Senior Vice President Terry Hartle writes that the Department of Education’s effort to replace legally binding but unclear guidance with legally binding and clear regulations will hopefully result in greater protections for all students.

A Closer Look at Hispanic-Serving Institutions

With the increase in Latinx students enrolling in postsecondary education and the subsequent increase in the number of HSIs, these institutions should remain at the top of all policy priority agendas, write Gina Garcia and Morgan Taylor.

University of California Campuses Unite To Connect First-Generation Faculty, Students

Across the University of California (UC) system, 42 percent of undergraduate students are the first in their family to attend college. To better serve this large and growing “first-gen” population and help build their sense of belonging on campus, UC has launched a system-wide First-Generation Faculty effort to connect these students with faculty mentors who have walked in their shoes.

Looking Ahead to Diversifying the College Presidency

Despite the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that set a clearer path for women and minorities pursuing top leadership positions in both the public and private sectors, they remain underrepresented—including in higher education. A new data tool linked to ACE’s American College President Study 2017 helps explain what it will take for the presidency to reach gender and racial parity.

Policy Levers Leading the Way to Reentry for Incarcerated Students

We know that postsecondary education changes lives and provides a stepping-stone to prosperity. Though we recognize education’s transformative power, those who stand to benefit the most are often cut off from access—especially individuals in the criminal justice system.

Minority Serving Institutions Perform Better Than Federal Graduation Rates Suggest

A new report out from ACE’s Center for Policy Research and Strategy aims to provide a more complete picture of the contributions MSIs make to the higher education landscape and the communities in which they reside. The upshot: Ensuring the success of students of color requires further investment in the very institutions that educate them.

Preparing the Next Generation of Leaders

The community college student is unlike most postsecondary learners, writes Everette J. Freeman, president of the Community College of Denver. Through listening, encouragement, leading by example and giving students a sense of belonging and community, we can help them become part of the next generation of leaders.

Evaluating a Scalable Solution for Enhancing Teaching Practice

There are a variety of ways in which faculty learn, and continue to learn, about teaching. But given the increase in contingent faculty—part-time and full-time non-tenure-track faculty—who now comprise about 75 percent of all college and university instructors, the critical question is, “How do we scale faculty development efforts to reach a greater number of faculty?”