Photo of  Laura W. Perna

Laura W. Perna

Laura W. Perna is vice provost for faculty at the University of Pennsylvania and co-founder of Penn GSE’s Alliance for Higher Education and Democracy (Penn AHEAD).

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Posts by Laura W. Perna

Geography and College Attainment: A Place-Based Approach

Place is an influential determinant of college opportunity and success. But geography should not be destiny. States and higher education institutions should adopt policies and practices that recognize place-based disadvantage, according to Roman Ruiz and Laura W. Perna of the University of Pennsylvania.

June 19, 2017

College Promise Programs: Designing Programs to Achieve the Promise

Promise programs have the potential to increase higher education attainment and close persisting gaps, write Laura Perna & Elaine Leigh. But success depends on how the programs are structured, implemented and sustained.

February 13, 2017