
Devorah Lieberman
Devorah Lieberman is a senior advisor with the President’s Office at the American Council on Education and president emerita of the University of La Verne.

Hollie M. Chessman
Hollie M. Chessman is director and principle program officer for the Education Futures Lab at the American Council on Education.

Jon Fansmith
Jon Fansmith is the senior vice president for government relations and national engagement at the American Council on Education

Terry W. Hartle
Terry W. Hartle is a senior fellow at the American Council on Education.

Elizabeth Howard
Elizabeth Howard is a research content specialist for Education Futures Lab at the American Council on Education.

Louis Soares
Louis Soares is the chief learning and innovation officer at the American Council on Education.

Sherri Lind Hughes
Sherri Lind Hughes is the Interim Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs at Fresno Pacific University (CA). She was previously the assistant vice president for community strategy and engagement at the American Council on Education.

Morgan Taylor
Morgan Taylor is the director for research and business intelligence at the American Associal of State Colleges and Universities. She was formerly a researcher at the American Council on Education.

Gailda Pitre Davis
Gailda Pitre Davis is the assistant vice president and executive director for ACE Connect at the American Council on Education.

Lindsey P. Myers
Lindsey P. Myers is a director for Education Futures Lab at the American Council on Education.

Darsella Vigil
Darsella Vigil is a senior research analyst for Education Futures Lab at the American Council on Education.

Maria Claudia Soler
Maria Claudia Soler is a nonresident fellow at the American Council on Education.

Steven Bloom
Steven Bloom is the assistant vice president for government relations at the American Council on Education.

Sarah Spreitzer
Sarah Spreitzer is the vice president and chief of staff for government relations at the American Council on Education.

Peter McDonough
Peter McDonough is the vice president and general counsel at the American Council on Education.

Kristen Renn
Kristen Renn is professor of Higher, Adult, & Lifelong Education at Michigan State University.

Steven Taylor
Steven Taylor is a senior fellow on postsecondary education at Stand Together Trust. He was formerly the director of the Center for Education Attainment and Innovation at the American Council on Education.

Thomas J. Botzman
Thomas J. Botzman is the former president of University of Mount Union (OH) and former president of Misericordia University (PA).

Jonathan M. Turk
Jonathan M. Turk is assistant professor of higher education at Saint Louis University (MO). He previously was director of research at the American Council on Education.

Ira Harkavy
Ira Harkavy is associate vice president and founding director of the Barbara and Edward Netter Center for Community Partnerships at the University of Pennsylvania.

Louis Martin-Vega
Louis Martin-Vega is a professor of engineering at NC State University, where he was previously the dean.

Daryl E. Chubin
Daryl E. Chubin is the principal investigator and co-director, Understanding Interventions at the American Institute of Physics.

Wick Sloane
Wick Sloane is a columnist for Inside Higher Ed and previously taught and held various positions at Bunker Hill Community College.

Carol Anderson
Carol Anderson is a professor of African American Studies at Emory University (GA).

Patricia O’Brien
Patricia O'Brien is an adjunct professor in the Asian Studies Program at Georgetown University.

Melanie Kruvelis
Melanie Kruvelis is the senior manager of policy and advocacy at Young Invincibles.

Roman Ruiz
Roman Ruiz is a senior researcher at the American Institute for Research.

Mark Scheinberg
Mark Scheinberg is the president of Goodwin University (CT) and an executive board member of the University of Bridgeport (CT).

Everette Freeman
Everette Freeman is principal consultant at EJ Freeman & Associates. He previously served as the president of the Community College of Denver (CO).

Julie Ajinkya
Julie Ajinkya is a senior advisor at HCM Strategists and was a former vice president of applied research at the Institute for Higher Education Policy (IHEP).

Allison Beer
Allison Beer is a research data manager at California Community Colleges and was previously a research analyst at Institute for Higher Education Policy (IHEP).

Caroline Cox
Caroline Cox is policy researcher and analyst, formerly at the Institute for Higher Education Policy (IHEP).

David Hawkins
David Hawkins is the chief education and policy officer at the National Association for College Admission Counseling.

Jessica Egbert
Jessica Egbert is the chief program officer at Saprea, founder and CEO at Limelight Leadership, and on the board of trustees of the Rocky Mountain University of Health Professionals.

Gina Ann Garcia
Gina Ann Garcia is a professor in the School of Education at UC Berkeley (CA).

Aaron Brower
Aaron Brower is a professor emeritus of social work at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, a fellow at the John N. Gardner Institute for Excellence in Undergraduate Education, and a strategic advisor for the University Professional and Continuing Education Association.

Lucia Brajkovic
Lucia Brajkovic is an education specialist for the Education Global Practice at the World Bank and executive director of the Higher Education Initiative for Southeastern Europe.

Ruth Delaney
Ruth Delaney works as initiative director for the Unlocking Potential Initiative at the Vera Institute.

Marybeth Gasman
Marybeth Gasman is the Samuel DeWitt Proctor Endowed Chair in Education and a Distinguished Professor at Rutgers University (NJ). She previously was a professor at the University of Pennsylvania.

Andrés Castro Samayoa
Andrés Castro Samayoa is an associate professor at Boston College’s (MA) Lynch School of Education.

Robert T. Palmer
Robert T. Palmer is the department chair and professor in the School of Education at Howard University.

Jared C. Avery
Jared C. Avery is the director of institutional research and effectiveness at the Dallas Theological Seminary. He previously worked at Howard University.

David A. Bergeron
David A. Bergeron is a senior fellow for postsecondary education policy at the Center for American Progress.

Robert L. Carothers
Robert L. Carothers is the executive vice president at College Unbound, a degree completion college, and president emeritus of the University of Rhode Island.

Gbemi Disu
Gbemi Disu is the vice president for global network expansion at Northeastern University (MA). She previously worked at George Mason University (VA).

Ursula Holtzapple
Ursula Holtzapple is the director of operations, consulting, and search at the National Association of College and University Business Officers and a communications consultant for non-profit organizations.

Ronald A. Crutcher
Ronald A. Crutcher is the former president of the University of Richmond (VA), president emeritus of Wheaton College (MA) and senior fellow at the Aspen Institute.

Andrew Shean
Andrew Shean is chief learning officer at Penn Foster, an online learning provider.

Lorelle L. Espinosa
Lorelle L. Espinosa is a program director at the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. She was previously the vice president for research at the American Council on Education.

Amy C. Foerster
Amy Foerster is CEO of the LMH Hopice and Social Services Foundation. She was formerly a partner in the higher education practice group at Troutman Pepper and general counsel at Bucknell University.

Gail F. Baker
Gail F. Baker is senior vice president and provost at the University of Sand Diego.

Gretchen M. Bataille
Gretchen M. Bataille is the president of GMB Consulting Group and strategic partner at ROI Consulting Group.

Johan E. Uvin
Johan E. Uvin is the executive director of the UMass Donahue Institute at the University of Massachusetts.

Carrie Kisker
Carrie Kisker is president of Kisker Education Consulting in Los Angeles and managing director of the Center for the Study of Community Colleges.

Elizabeth Holcombe
Elizabeth Holcombe is a senior research associate in the Pullias Center for Higher Education at the University of Southern California Rossier School of Education.

Brad Farnsworth
Brad Farnsworth is the principal at Fox Hollow Advisory, focused on advancing international learning. He was previously a vice president at the American Council on Education.

Philip G. Rogers
Philip G. Rogers is the chancellor of East Carolina University. He was previously a senior vice president at the American Council on Education.

Natsumi Ueda
Natsumi Ueda is a doctoral candidate at the University of Southen California Rossier School of Education and research assistant at the USC Pulias Center for Higher Education.

Delma Ramos
Delma Ramos is an Assistant Professor of Higher Education at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

L. Hazel Jack
L. Hazel Jack is the vice president for University Outreach and chief of staff to the president at Colgate University.

Karen Haynes
Karen Haynes is a senior consultant at AASCU Consulting and the former president at California State University San Marcos and University of Houston-Victoria.

Robin Helms
Robin Helms is the vice president for membership and educational services at the Association of Community College Trustees. She was formerly the assistant vice president for programs and global initiatives at the American Council on Education.

Hanna Rodriguez-Farrar
Hanna Rodriguez-Farrar is vice president of community engagement and co-head of the Office of Community Engagement and Communications at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

The Action Network for Equitable Wellbeing
The Action Network for Equitable Wellbeing works to accelerate change in higher education settings so that all college students can thrive and flourish.

Jennifer R. Crandall
Jennifer R. Crandall is a principal at Collegium Insights. She was previously a researcher at the American Council on Education.

Ashley Gray
Ashley Gray is the founder of ALG Consulting and former senior program analyst at the American Council on Education.

Maureen C. Kenny
Maureen C. Kenny is a professor and associate chair in the Department of Psychology at Florida International University.

Jadyn Dunning
Jadyn Dunning is a research associate with the American Institutes for Research.

Logan Ragsdale
Logan Ragsdale is a senior consultant at Booz Allen Hamilton and an Army infantry veteran. He formerly attended Vassar College (NY).

Kathleen McCartney
Kathleen McCartney served as president of Smith College from 2013 to 2023.

Ryan Pavel
Ryan Pavel is CEO of the Warrior-Scholar Project, empowering enlisted service members and veterans succeed in higher education.

Laura W. Perna
Laura W. Perna is vice provost for faculty at the University of Pennsylvania and co-founder of Penn GSE’s Alliance for Higher Education and Democracy (Penn AHEAD).

Joseph I. Castro
Joseph I. Castro is a former chancellor of the California State University and former president of California State University, Fresno.

Amber Garrison Duncan
Amber Garrison Duncan is the executive vice president and COO of the Competency-Based Education Network.

Elaine W. Leigh
Elaine W. Leigh is an associate policy researcher at the RAND Corporation.

Warrenetta C. Mann
Warrenetta C. Mann is the assistant vice president for Health and Wellbeing at Wake Forest University.

Kate Wolfe-Lyga
Kate Wolfe-Lyga is the vice president of clinical operations at Bettermynd and founder of Thrive Counseling.

Cathy Sandeen
Cathy Sandeen is the president of California State University East Bay.

Kristi Hottenstein
Kristi Hottenstein is the owner of Compass Counseling and Coaching and the former vice chancellor for enrollment management at the University of Michigan-Flint.

Angel de Jesus Gonzalez
Angel de Jesus Gonzalez is an assistant professor of higher education adminstration and leadership at California State University, Fresno.

Taffye Benson Clayton
Taffye Benson Clayton is a vice president and associate provost at Auburn University.

Jerry Lucido
Jerry Lucido is a professor and the executive director at the Center for Enrollment Research, Policy, and Practice at the University of Southern California.

Marielena DeSanctis
Marielena DeSanctis is president of the Community College of Denver.

Nancy Thomas
Nancy Thomas is director of the Institute for Democracy and Higher Education at the American Association of Colleges and Universities.

Darren Cambridge
Darren Cambridge is managing director of the Institute for Trustworthy AI in Law and Society at the University of Maryland and the president of the Cambridge Learning Group. He was formerly the director of content strategy at the American Council on Education.

Geoffrey Brackett
Geoffrey Brackett is the executive vice president, chief strategy and innovation officer at Marist College (NY).

Sara Abelson
Sara Abelson is an assistant professor and senior director of education and training at The Hope Center for College, Community, and Justice at Temple University.

Rob Deemer
Rob Deemer is a professor, head of composition and chair of the Department of Theatre and Dance at the State University of New York at Fredonia.

Heather Ward
Heather Ward is the associate provost for global affairs at University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. She was previously associate director of internationalization and global engagement at the American Council on Education.

Lori Varlotta
Lori Varlotta is president of California Lutheran University and former president of Hiram College (OH).

Mary B. Marcy
Mary B. Marcy is president emerita of Dominican University of California.

Walter Bumphus
Walter Bumphus is the president and CEO of the American Association of Community Colleges.

Russell Lowery-Hart
Russell Lowery-Hart is the chancellor of Austin Community College and former president of president of Amarillo College.

Rebecca Karoff
Rebecca Karoff is the associate vice chancellor for academic affairs at The University of Texas System.

Gayle R. Davis
Gayle R. Davis is the former provost of Grand Valley State University.

Haelim Chun
Haelim Chun is an institutional research analyst at Georgetown University. She was formerly a senior research Associate for internationalization at the American Council on Education.

April Mason
April Mason is provost and senior vice president of Kansas State University. She is an advisory council member for the Association of Chief Academic Officers.

Quincy A. Beverly
Quincy A. Beverly is vice president of institutional diversity, equity, and inclusion at Providence College.

Cecilia Rios-Aguilar
Cecilia Rios-Aguilar is a professor of education and associate dean of equity, diversity, and inclusion at the University of California-Los Angeles Graduate School of Education and Information Studies.

Noelle W. Arnold
Noelle W. Arnold is senior associate dean of the College of Education and Human Ecology at Ohio State University.

Stephanie L. Sanders
Stephanie L. Sanders is a lecturer and diversity, equity, and inclusion officer at the Ford School at the University of Michigan.

Karen P. DePauw
Karen P. DePauw served as vice president and dean for graduate education and held various academic appointments as tenured professor at Virginia Tech from 2002 until her retirement in 2021.

Maria Madison
Maria Madison is the interim dean at the Heller School, Brandeis University.

Joana Dos Santos
Joana Dos Santos is the co-founder and co-CEO at Cosyn, a diversity, equity, and inclusion consultantcy. She was previously the chief diversity, equity, and inclusion officer at Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Michigan.

Jaime Lester
Jaime Lester is vice dean of the School of Education at John Hopkins University.
Linda Serra Hagedorn
Linda Serra Hagedorn is professor emeritus of the School of Education at Iowa State University.

Ruth M. López
Ruth M. López is an associate professor in Educational Leadership and Policy in the Department of Educational Policy Studies and Practice at the University of Arizona College of Education.

Mark M. D'Amico
Mark M. D'Amico is a professor of higher education and former department chair of the Department of Educational Leadership at University of North Carolina Charlotte.

Charles M. Cook
Charles M. Cook is former provost and executive vice chancellor for academic affairs at Austin Community College.

Robin Zape-tah-hol-ah Minthorn
Robin Zape-tah-hol-ah Minthorn is a professor and department chair of the Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education at the University of Oklahoma.

Justin Pope
Justin Pope is the vice president and chief of staff at Longwood University.

Brett Scofield
Brett Scofield is the executive director at The Center for Collegiate Mental Health and co-interim senior director at the Center for Counseling and Psychological Services at Penn State.

Jason Lynch
Jason Lynch is an assistant professor of higher education at Appalachian State University.

Lynn Tincher-Ladner
Lynn Tincher-Ladner is the president and CEO of Phi Theta Kappa.

Scott Cowen
Scott Cowen is president emeritus of Tulane University and distinguished presidential visiting professor of leadership and management at Case Western Reserve University.

Stephen P. Lewis
Stephen P. Lewis is a professor in the department of psychology at the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada.

Philip P. DiStefano
Philip P. DiStefano is the chancellor at the University of Boulder Colorado.

Adrianna Kezar
Adrianna Kezar is the Dean’s Professor of Leadership, Wilbur-Kieffer Professor of Higher Education and director of the Pullias Center for Higher Education at the University of Southern California.

Jordan Harper
Jordan Harper is an assistant professor in the department of advanced studies, leadership, and policy and the School of Education and Urban Studies at Morgan State University.

Rebekah F. Schulze
Rebekah F. Schulze is an associate professor of Higher Education at Florida International University.

Kathy E. Johnson
Kathy E. Johnson is president of the University of New Orlens. She previously was executive vice chancellor and chief academic officer of the Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis.

Karina Pineda
Karina Pineda is a consultant at McKinley Advisors and a former policy research analyst at the American Council on Education.

Julie J. Park
Julie J. Park is an associate professor of education at the University of Maryland, College Park.

Andy Brantley
Andy Brantley is the president and chief executive officer of CUPA-HR.

John Marx
John Marx is professor of English and vice provost for academic planning, Aggie Square at the University of Callifornia, Davis.

Nancy Wayne
Nancy Wayne is a professor of physiology at the University of California, Los Angeles David Geffen School of Medicine.

Janis Whitlock
Janis Whitlock is a research scientist emerita for the Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research.

Penelope Hasking
Penelope Hasking is an associate professor of psychology at Curtin University in Australia.

Suzanna Rose
Suzanna Rose is founding associate provost for the Office to Advance Women, Equity and Diversity and professor of psychology and women’s and gender studies at Florida International University.

Nance Roy
Nance Roy is chief clinical officer of the Jed Foundation and assistant clinical professor at the Yale School of Medicine Department of Psychiatry.

Traevena Byrd
Traevena Byrd is vice president and general counsel for American University in Washington, DC.

Jason Kilmer
Jason Kilmer is an associate professor in psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the University of Washington.

Frederick M. Lawrence
Frederick M. Lawrence is secretary and CEO of the Phi Beta Kappa Society.

Imke Baetens
Imke Baetens is an assistant professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel in Belgium and a licensed family therapist.

Ashley Woodson
Ashley Woodson is the dean of the School for Public Purpose and Professional Advancement at Albion College.

Kelly Davis
Kelly Davis is the vice president of peer and youth advocacy at Mental Health America.

Sanford J. Ungar
Sanford J. Ungar, president emeritus of Goucher College, is director of the Free Speech Project at Georgetown University.

Nicole R. Stokes
Nicole R. Stokes is the interim vice chancellor at Penn State Abington and former state chairperson for the Pennsylvania ACE Women’s Network.

Cindy Kane
Cindy Kane is the assistant provost for strategic initiatives at Bridgewater State University.

Laura Horne
Laura Horne is chief program officer at Active Minds, a non-profit focused on young adults and mental health.

Seanna Leath
Seanna Leath is an assistant professor of psychological and brain sciences at Washington University in St. Louis.

Tabbye Chavous
Tabbye Chavous is a professor of education and psychology, vice provost for equity and inclusion, and chief diversity officer at the University of Michigan.
Raúl Gámez
Raúl Gámez is a Ph.D. student in Higher Education at the University of Michigan.

Stephanie Huie
Stephanie Huie is a vice president at WASC Senior College and University Commission and former vice chancellor for the Office of Strategic Initiatives for The University of Texas System.

Ahlam Lee
Ahlam Lee is an associate professor in the school of psychology at Xavier University (OH).

Stephanie Bell-Rose
Stephanie Bell-Rose is a corporate, philanthropy and governance professional. She previously served as senior managing director of TIAA and head of the TIAA Institute.

Vickie Choitz
Vickie Choitz is the director of trauma and resilience at work for the Corporation for a Skilled Workforce.

Maren Greathouse
Maren Greathouse is the senior director of equity, diversity, inclusion, and belonging at Harvard University and former director of the Tyler Clementi Center.

Amy M. Brausch
Amy M. Brausch is a professor of psychological sciences at Western Kentucky University.

Elizabeth E. Lloyd-Richardson
Elizabeth E. Lloyd-Richardson is a professor of psychology at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth.

Kara Seidel
Kara Seidel is a Lab Associate in the Education Futures Lab at the American Council on Education.

Katharine Meyer
Katharine Meyer is a fellow in the Governance Studies program for the Brown Center on Education Policy at Brookings.

Heidi Tseu
Heidi Tseu is the asssistant vice president of National Engagement for the American Council on Education.

Jim Purcell
Jim Purcell is the executive director for the Alabama Commission on Higher Education and served in similar positions in Rhode Island, Louisiana, and Arkansas.

Armando Montero
Armando Montero is a senior planning analyst in the office of the senior vice president at Arizona State University. He also serves as the president of the Tempe Union High School District Governing Board in Arizona.

Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk
Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk is vice president for health promotion and chief wellness officer, The Ohio State University College of Nursing, and president of the National Consortium for Building Healthy Academic Communities.

Elizabeth R. Click
Elizabeth Click is the medical director of Case Western Reserve University (CWRU); an associate professor at CWRU's Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing; and external advancement and collaborations chair for the National Consortium for Building Healthy Academic Communities.

Michele Spires
Michele Spires is the assistant vice president of Learning Evaluations for One Dupont Ventures at the American Council on Education.