Morgan Taylor
Morgan Taylor is the director for research and business intelligence at the American Associal of State Colleges and Universities. She was formerly a researcher at the American Council on Education.
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The 5 Percent: Action Steps for Institutions Investing in Women of Color
The face of the college presidency has changed in recent years, moving slowly away from the monolithic profile of the past (White men over the age of 60) to something more representative of the face of colleges and universities themselves.

College Student Mental Health and Well-Being: A Survey of Presidents
To better understand how campuses are navigating the challenge of student mental health and well-being, ACE conducted a survey of 400 college and university presidents at the end of April. Read what they had to say.

MSIs Are a Viable Path up the Economic Ladder
New data show that minority serving institutions are transforming the lives and income mobility of students of color and students from low-income backgrounds—in many cases, at rates exceeding that of non-MSIs.

ACE2018: Harnessing the Data Analytics Revolution for Student Success
Harnessing the analytics revolution presents an opportunity for colleges and universities to create a campus-wide culture of data-informed decision making, while increasing the success of the students they serve and strengthening institutional sustainability. The ACE2018 session, “Enabling the Data-Informed CEO” sought to unpack the opportunities and challenges facing leaders in their efforts to harness the analytics revolution.

Fulfilling Lifelong Dreams: College Promise Programs for Adult Learners
Louis Soares and Morgan Taylor present a case for expanding Promise Programs—which help students complete their degree—to the adult student population.

A Closer Look at Hispanic-Serving Institutions
With the increase in Latinx students enrolling in postsecondary education and the subsequent increase in the number of HSIs, these institutions should remain at the top of all policy priority agendas, write Gina Garcia and Morgan Taylor.

Looking Ahead to Diversifying the College Presidency
Despite the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that set a clearer path for women and minorities pursuing top leadership positions in both the public and private sectors, they remain underrepresented—including in higher education. A new data tool linked to ACE’s American College President Study 2017 helps explain what it will take for the presidency to reach gender and racial parity.

Minority Serving Institutions Perform Better Than Federal Graduation Rates Suggest
A new report out from ACE’s Center for Policy Research and Strategy aims to provide a more complete picture of the contributions MSIs make to the higher education landscape and the communities in which they reside. The upshot: Ensuring the success of students of color requires further investment in the very institutions that educate them.

Racial Diversity Is More Than Just Demographic Representation
In recent years, students on college and university campuses across the nation have held protests calling for more racially inclusive campus climates. The ACE2017 session “Dialogue and Action: Presidential Leadership on Race,” moderated by William B. Harvey of the American Association for Access, Equity, and Diversity, sought to explore presidential perspectives from three panelists on race relations on campuses and how institutions can improve them.

Freedom of Expression Requires Safe Spaces
“It is completely appropriate that all students have safe spaces in which they can grow and develop their identities.” This statement, by Ralph Hexter of University of California, Davis, was the premise upon which panelists at ACE2017 started their session on freedom of expression and safe spaces.

Aligning Demographic Shifts and College Participation: Increasing Latino Degree Attainment
Delma Ramos and Morgan Taylor look at the importance of increasing attainment for Latino students, the largest minority group and the second largest racial/ethnic group in the country.