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Let’s Talk About Race: An Interview With Kevin McDonald
The Let’s Talk About Race interview series captures the voices of prominent higher education scholars and leaders as they share their perspectives and experiences on race and ethnicity in higher education. Read the latest conversation with Kevin McDonald, vice president for diversity, equity, and inclusion at the University of Virginia.

Celebrating the Mavericks: Innovation and Higher Education
While higher education in the 21st century faces a number of challenges, there are a number of innovators changing the sector in a classic American way. Andrew Shean, chief academic officer at National University System Online, looks at five that are leading the way.

Don’t Call it a Scandal
As provost, what is your role during during times of crisis on campus? Gail F. Baker, provost at the University of San Diego, considers this question in the latest post from the Association of Chief Academic Officers.

Keeping the Doors Open
The Institute of International Education’s Open Doors report has become the catalyst for far-reaching debates about the relative competitiveness of the United States, the domestic political environment, and the impact of government policies. Brad Farnsworth takes a look at the latest edition and ACE’s planned study on the international student experience.