Topic: diversity & inclusion


Hamline University Equipping First Generation Students With Services and Support

Asking for help can be daunting on a college campus—just ask any first-year student. But for those who are the first in their family to attend college and may lack the built-in familial support systems that other students might have, it may be hard to even identify who to ask. A new program at Hamline University is making it easier to know where to turn.

October 31, 2016

University of Missouri Leaders Share Progress on Diversity, Inclusion Initiatives

After the University of Missouri System and its Columbia campus were rocked by student protests last year, leaders there announced initiatives designed to address diversity and inclusion. UM System Interim President Michael Middleton and MU Interim Chancellor Hank Foley recently provided updates on the progress made in areas such as increasing the number of minority faculty members.

September 27, 2016

“Am I overreacting?” Understanding and Combating Microaggressions

Many people of color, women, LGBTQ and other “minoritized” groups on college and university campuses experience microaggressions on a regular basis. We can no longer merely work toward multiculturalism and inclusivity, but rather we must address the larger systemic issues that allow racial microaggressions to flourish on campus.

July 27, 2016

chairs in a classroom

Individual Acts of Inclusivity Have the Greatest Impact

There has been a great deal of energy expended on diversifying the faculty on college campuses in recent years, and the discussion has ramped up lately with the focus on student protests and demands for a more inclusive campus climate. ACE’s Kim Bobby discusses effective processes for building and retaining a diverse faculty—and how true inclusivity takes individual self-reflection and action.

July 25, 2016

Affirming Racial Diversity: Student Affairs as a Change Agent

As we continue the discussion about race on college campuses, an important question is emerging: Are institutions of higher education the correct entities to task with addressing racial issues in the United States? Amelia Parnell of NASPA – Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education looks at the role student affairs professionals can play in advocating for diversity on their campus.

June 29, 2016

Wilkes University

LGBTQ Talent and Institutional Success

Charles R. Middleton, president emeritus of Roosevelt University, writes that diversity and inclusion are essential to assuring long-term success for higher education institutions. And it is clear that we cannot achieve our maximum potential without taking advantage of the considerable talent and commitment to our institutions that LGBTQ employees, students, alumni and community leaders bring.

June 6, 2016

Dynamic Diversity: How Campus Leaders Can Respond to Student Protests

Liliana Garces and Uma Jayakumar explore the concept of dynamic diversity, a new model for understanding critical mass, promoting inclusive environments and facilitating the benefits of educational diversity on campus. This is the latest post in a series sparked by recent student protests and the national dialogue on diversity and inclusion.

April 20, 2016

Embracing Student Activism

Cassie Barnhardt of the University of Iowa and Kimberly Reyes of the University of Michigan write on the need for campus leaders to engage student activism so higher education can continue to be an agent of social change. This is the latest post in a series sparked by recent student protests and the national dialogue on diversity and inclusion.

March 2, 2016

Inclusivity, History, and Navigating the Way Forward

Reaching more low‐income, underrepresented-minority, and first-generation student populations must hold a prominent place not just in our institutions’ but in our nation’s priorities as well. William E. Kirwan, chancellor emeritus of the University System of Maryland, asks if higher education is prepared to lead on the issues of inclusion facing institutions today.

February 17, 2016