A Winning Recipe for Successful Internationalization Worldwide
Going forward, the United States needs a broad, coordinated set of well-funded initiatives that support the comprehensive internationalization of U.S. higher education, writes ACE’s Lucia Brajkovic.
October 25, 2017

From Inside Higher Ed—International Enrollments: From Flat to Way Down
September 21, 2017

Internationalization in a New Political Climate: Culture Shock and Adaptation
Although 2017 has been a year of frustrations and challenges for campuses in terms of internationalization, ACE’s Robin Matross Helms reports that many in the field are now feeling a greater sense of stability and confidence about moving forward.
September 11, 2017

The Sky Is Falling . . . or Is It? New Data and Reflections on International Student Enrollment
Despite highly publicized concerns that interest in the United States among international students is in decline, actual international student numbers may in fact be holding fairly steady. Lucia Brajkovic and Robin Helms of ACE’s Center for International and Global Engagement look at what the future might hold.
August 9, 2017

On Being Provincial and Global: International Education at American Comprehensive Regional Universities
If we want to teach more future leaders, members of the workforce, and citizens to engage constructively with the world, they must learn at public regional universities that define themselves by their global engagement, writes Brian Stiegler of Salisbury University.
May 18, 2017

Study Abroad (At Home)
EDUCAUSE President John O’Brien writes that collaborative online international learning—or COIL—gives students and campuses options when it comes to study abroad.
April 20, 2017

A Global Conversation on Student Success
March 14, 2017

In Higher Education, U.S.-Mexico Relations Are Strong
March 14, 2017