Toward an Inclusive Classroom Environment
Institutional commitment to diversity should expand beyond increasing the enrollment of underrepresented students and students of color to creating inclusive campuses. Stephanie Sanders, lecturer and diversity, equity, and inclusion officer at the University of Michigan Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, shares strategies on how to she has worked to create inclusive spaces, particularly for students of color, at a predominantly white institution.
May 20, 2020

What Works: Creating Diverse and Inclusive Graduate Campuses
Conversations around campus diversity often focus on undergraduate students. Karen DePauw, vice president and dean for graduate education at Virginia Tech, discusses the strategies Virginia Tech has implemented to create diversity and inclusion at the graduate student level, and how these efforts have led to a stronger campus community.
May 20, 2020

Setting a Higher Bar for Multicultural Inclusion in Higher Education
Building diverse and inclusive colleges and universities requires a campus-wide commitment and effort. Maria Madison, associate dean for equity, inclusion and diversity at Brandeis University’s Heller School suggests using evidence-based knowledge and best practices to evaluate how structures at predominantly white institutions may inhibit diversity and inclusion.
May 20, 2020

Who Are These Diversity Officers?
As more universities institutionalize efforts around diversity, equity, and inclusion, Joana Dos Santos, chief diversity, equity, and inclusion officer at the University of Michigan Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning, explores the backgrounds, experiences, and skills that are most beneficial for academic diversity officers and the need for standards across the board.
May 20, 2020

Effect of Age on Salary Among Tenure-Track Faculty
February 24, 2020

Celebrating the Mavericks: Innovation and Higher Education
While higher education in the 21st century faces a number of challenges, there are a number of innovators changing the sector in a classic American way. Andrew Shean, chief academic officer at National University System Online, looks at five that are leading the way.
January 6, 2020

Don’t Call it a Scandal
As provost, what is your role during during times of crisis on campus? Gail F. Baker, provost at the University of San Diego, considers this question in the latest post from the Association of Chief Academic Officers.
December 2, 2019

It Begins with Difficult Conversations: How Community College Leaders Can Support Faculty-led Student Success Efforts
If community colleges want to make a difference in student persistence and attainment—and to make the improvement sustainable over time—these efforts must be led by those on campus who have the most frequent contact with students: the faculty. Carrie B. Kisker, a director of the Center for the Study of Community Colleges, looks at where to begin.
October 30, 2019

Better Teaching, Better Institutions
Teaching and learning aren’t just at the heart of higher education—they drive the institution. ACE Senior Vice President Philip Rogers looks at ACE’s partnership with the Association of College and University Educators, whose courses on comprehensive teaching methods helps faculty become more effective educators.
October 11, 2019

Developing Deans and Chairs as Leaders
Chief academic officers Kathy E. Johnson and Mary K. Boyd write that the key to transforming the academic enterprise is cultivating a team of capable leaders committed to aligning their program or school with the institution’s mission and priorities.
October 2, 2019

Florida HBCU Works to Advance Its Women STEM Faculty
Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University has launched an initiative to improve the campus climate for women faculty in STEM and social and behavioral science fields.
April 22, 2019